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Sunday, November 15, 2009


What appeared to be the unfolding of a quiet Sunday got to be pretty noisy.  Sherry woke up early, around 2:0 am, feeling like she had some gas pain.  She didn't sink fully into sleep until about 9:00am.  By 10:00am she was again awake experiencing more severe abdominal pain.  She also was having difficulty standing, sitting, and walking.  I didn't know if this mobility problem was due to the "gas pain" or to the reduction in the amount of the steroids.  Sherry is being weaned off of them, and the reduced dosage could have cause the motor problem like the problems that occurred earlier when the dose was reduced.  I called Sherry oncologist, and I was able to connect with him around noon.  He told me to bring Sherry in to ER so they could have a look at her.  I did that.  It was extremely difficult to transfer Sherry from her chair to the wheel chair, then from the wheel chair into to truck.  She simply couldn't offer much assistance so that meant a lot of careful lifting on my part.

ER this Sunday afternoon was busy.  All of the ER rooms were filled and people were being seen in the order that they arrived unless triage indicated greater urgency.  The lobby was full and I worried about Sherry's compromised immune system.  I pushed her in her wheel chair  to a remote area near the hall and brought one of the volunteer staff's desk chairs over to sit next to her.   Sherry was wheeled into an ER room about 2:30pm.  After a plethora of tests Sherry was diagnosed as having diverticulitis.  Of of the many dire possibilities abdominal pain could manifest, this is a relatively good one.  It is treatable and manageable.

Sherry was admitted to KMC at about 7:30pm. They will treat her with pain medication and IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, she will respond and be home soon.   I am now at home tying up some loose ends and will head back to the hospital tonight.  The nice thing about doing a blog is that I am spared from having to make a lot of phone calls and can focus my attention on Sherry.

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